Gumbo Z’Herbes

Gumbo Z’Herbes

A few years ago, I felt inspired by Mardi Gras and wanted to play around with a kind of obscure, green gumbo with origins in Africa. The result was a delicious bowl that reminds me of all the comfort of gumbo with none of the meat. It took me to the French quarter, to...
Nearly Retro Cabbage Soup

Nearly Retro Cabbage Soup

Cabbage soup was all the rage in the 1950s. (Funny things were trendy then, like dancing in your socks in public, the jitterbug and pet rocks.) But it’s true – rumor has it that people would eat vats of this stuff in an attempt to fit into their poodle skirts. I...
Cowboy Chili

Cowboy Chili

The secret to a great chili, as any crazy contestant at the festivals I heard about while I lived in Dallas (but stayed away from because of the crazy) will tell you, is to make your own spice mix then keep your mouth shut. Well, I’m only good at half of that, so here...
West African Vegetable Stew

West African Vegetable Stew

When my husband and I first moved to New York (without jobs, mind you), we had a very humble tradition as the weather grew crisp. We would buy soup from a takeout spot and walk to Central Park from our apartment in Hell’s Kitchen. We would eat the soup perched on a...


This Moroccan soup is traditionally made to break the fast of Ramadan. It also traditionally contains lamb, so I guess we’re officially heathens. (Serve some dates warmed up in some olive oil for dessert and you’ll make up for it.) This harira recipe is warm,...